Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gendron family get-a-way!

The G5 will be loading in the 4Runner 7 hours from now, so I am off to get catch some ZZZZZZZZZ's! We're headed to Lake Placid. We're all packed, I'm going to take a ton of photos! wow, we've been working so hard this week, physically im exhausted, my body is screaming at me! yeah, i need to get in shape. We've been working on lots of projects, outdoors, the house, catching up with friends, making new ones! ok, to bed! I'll miss you all.. I'll be "unplugged" for 4 days! Wish us safe travels, awesome funny, lovey memories! Thank you.
Yep, A whole lotta workin' goin' on!
Aidan has his graduation on thursday. I AM A SAD MOM.
Today was Saturday and he kept asking this morning, "we go to school mom?"
tonight as he hopped in bed, all excited, he told me, " tomowwwhao, we go to school okay?" after we get back from Lake Placid, he'll have one day, then the next is graduation.. expect a motherload of pics, thats is if i can see through the viewfinder from watery eyes!
Aiva @ her dance rehearsal! Put on a happy face!




~City Love... now, forever, always~ said...

Looks like Aiva had a blast at her recital!! I'm *loving* the little frilly socks!!!

Have fun on the vaca, soak it all in and breathe deeply!!!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

Awww...wishing you a super safe, super fun and exciting family trip! Can't wait to see the tons of pics when you return!

Hugs & Blessings!

Annabel said...

Hey, Julie!
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I've recently (and fortunately!) found your blog--thru Shabby Blogs (you're famous! hehe) Anyway, I love your pictures, and your family's story. It gives me hope inspiration for when I am able to start a little family of my own! Thanks!

carmen said...

I LOVE your blog - you have a beautiful family and you take gorgeous pictures of them!!